Friday, October 25, 2013

Incredible UFO Sightings Over New Orleans October 2013 Special Report Wa...

1 comment:

  1. Me and my cousin witnessed the same kind of orbs last night driving home on the interstate in chester, sc. We noticed 1 orb, and moments later another appears beside it, and then another. After the third one appears they formed a perfect triangle. After we got home we walked around my yard trying to find them again, and about 10 mins later we see a orb on the horizon moving very swiftly up across the sky. My cusion suggest we both try making a video. He has his cell phone and I had my tablet and we both pointed up to begain recording and as soon as we hit the red record button the orb vanished right before our eyes. We look back in our devices to see if anything may have gotten captured on video and we discovered that we had the same 4 second video of 2 lights hyper speeding away despite us only visually seeing one light orb. It's was the most uneasy, startling thing I've ever encountered. I know this was not from this earth and I dont care what anyone else thinks. To people can't see, and capture the same "imaginary" thought. The orbs in your video are the exact same kind we witnessed.
